The third annual Asia Value Investor Conference took place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Hong Kong on 7th December 2017. The inaugural conference took place at the end of 2015 and was the first event of its kind for Value Investors in Asia. The event has replicated the success of the London Value Investor Conference, which is now in its sixth year and has brought together well-known investors including Howard Marks, Michael Price, Mason Hawkins, Anthony Bolton, Don Yacktman, Will Browne, David Harding and James Montier, as well as other investors running both large and small funds.
The speakers provided valuable insights into the methods and approaches that have made them successful, commented on the current investment climate and offered specific investment ideas. The video below provides an overview of proceedings at the conference. To receive updates about the next conference click here.
Asia Value Investor Conference 2016 – Overview Video
Value Investing
Value Investing was developed in the early Twentieth Century by Benjamin Graham and has been popularised in recent decades by the success of many investors who follow the approach, most notably Warren Buffett. It is now a well respected investment style in the US but is still a nascent sector of the investment universe elsewhere.
Numerous academic studies have shown that a disciplined value-based approach to investing in securities outperforms the market over the long term. It is under-pinned by research into behavioural investing which demonstrates both why it is so psychologically difficult to do (because it involves taking positions that are contrary to the received wisdom of the crowd) and why it is so financially rewarding when done well.
Photos from the Asia Value Investor Conference 2017