Andrew Hollingworth – Holland Advisors
Andrew first started investing over thirty years ago (he started young!). Having spent numerous years working in Fund Managment and sell side analytical roles, Andrew set up Holland Advisors in 2009 and the Farnam Street Capital Fund in November 2011. Holland Advisors writes highly respected research that is used by many senior Investment Managers to aid their investment decision making. Holland Advisors is also the manager of its own Investment fund – Farnam Street Capital. Andrew’s approach is deeply analytical and company specific. He and his team look for companies with proven enduring market positions that they assess competitors will find very hard to displace. These could be defined as ‘great companies’. For the Holland team to be interested however they also have to be run by ‘great owner managers’ and offered by Mr Market for ‘great price”. Andrew has a few hobbies, but loves his day job.